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Making dashed legend marker

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  • #59884

    Hi there.

    I have two line diagrams with the same color, but different line type. How can I divide them in legend?
    I have tried to add legendMarkerType: ‘triangle’, legendMarkerColor: ‘white’, markerSize: 1, but it doesn’t work. Here is my chart config:
    Am I missing something?

    It looks like this:

    Thanks in advance for all the help


    Here is my chart config:

    export const DEFAULT_CHART_OPTIONS = {
      theme: ChartConstants.THEME,
      animationEnabled: true,
      options: {
        scales: {
          y: {
            stacked: true,
      title: {
        text: '',
      axisX: {
        valueFormatString: '',
        interval: 1,
        intervalType: 'month',
      axisY: {
        title: '',
        suffix: '',
      toolTip: {
        shared: 'true',
      legend: {
        cursor: ChartConstants.CURSOR,
      data: [],

    and here is the exact line config:

      predictGraph: {
        markerSize: 1,
        showInLegend: true,
        dataPoints: [],
        name: TextConstants.PREDICT,
        type: ChartConstants.LINE_TYPE,
        lineDashType: ChartConstants.DASH_TYPE,
        legendMarkerType: 'triangle',
        legendMarkerColor: 'white',
        color: ChartConstants.SECOND_LINE_COLOR,
        xValueType: 'dateTime',


    Setting legendMarkerType as ‘triangle’, and legendMarkerColor as ‘white’ seems to be working fine, and creates a dashed line legend marker. You can take a look this JSFiddle for the complete example.

    Chart with dashed legend marker

    If you are still facing any issue, please share a JSFiddle reproducing your use case, so that we can look into it and help you out.

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Vishwas R.
    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Ananya.
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