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Make datapoint null values not render or invisible

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  • #14732


    How do I make it so that datapoints with a null value do not render in the chart?

    I have a bar chart with multiple datasets, each dataset had only a few entries.
    When I show the chart it is leaving a space for all of the datasets on each day having a space for each one that is null value.
    I dont want to show this space from null value, I just dont want the chart to show that data on that point?

    I have tried setting null, looking for ways to make the width zero for null entried or making the null entried not visible but cannot fid a eay to do this.

    How do I do this?



    You can remove the dataPoints with null value as shown in the code snippet below –

    for(var i = 0; i < chart.options.data.length; i++) {
      for(var j = 0; j < chart.options.data[i].dataPoints.length; j++) {
        if(chart.options.data[i].dataPoints[j].y === null)
          chart.options.data[i].dataPoints.splice(j, 1);

    Please take a look at this JSFiddle for a working example.

    Remove dataPoint with Null value

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS



    Thankyou it is useful to see how you access the datapoints through javascript

    However this is not resolving my issue.

    The problem I have is I have an array of data that contains single dates for each entry.
    When I make the chart it shows a blank width for each entry including the ones without an entry for that date

    type: “column”,
    name: “Item 1”,
    dataPoints: [
    {x:new Date(2017,02,07), y:7}
    type: “column”,
    name: “Item2”,
    dataPoints: [
    {x:new Date(2017,02,14), y:13}
    type: “column”,
    name: “Item3”,
    dataPoints: [
    {x:new Date(2017,02,21), y:8}

    When I make the chart it on 2017,02,07 its shows the first item and two blank spaces for the other two.
    For 2017,02,14 it shows a blank entry then second item them another blank entry
    For 2017,02,21 it shows two blank entries and then third item

    I want it only to show the item that contains the date entry in the the datapoint for that particular day and not blank entries for all other data that doesnt have a datapoint for that day.

    Is that possible?

    Thankyou again



    Are there any methods to make an individual datapoint not visible or to set its width
    Either of these would solve my issue

    Looking through the docs I can only see methods for doing both to complete datasets




    Sorry new to your naming its actually a column chart not a bar chart



    Ok so I have attached an image to make things clearer

    I have four dataseries Entry1,2,3,4

    See the gap between Entry1 and Entry3
    Thats because Entry2 doesnt have any value for this date but the chart is showing a gap for it on every date that doesnt have a value. The more entries I put the more gaps are put for each one on each date???

    How do I stop the gap for every date the dataseries doesnt have a datapoint.. so that only the entries with a datapoint for that particular date show only and no ‘spaces’ for dataseries without one??
    Chart Issue gaps for no entry

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Ray.


    This is the intended behavior, the space is being reserved for corresponding dataPoints from different dataSeries. As of now dataPointWidth is available only at chart level.

    DataPoint Width

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS



    Ok, well this would be a handy feature to consider including in a future release, I need it so there are probably many others that would find it useful also.

    Is there a way to individually enter a color value for each bar?

    Also I am having issues with your chart displaying on apple devices like ipad iphone and mac pc, do you support these platforms?




    Also Would you have any js code snippet that could process the chart after or prior to render that could remove this reserved spacing from the chart?




    You can add color to each dataPoint(i.e. bar or column) by using the color property.

    Yes, we do support Apple devices. Can you please tell us more about the issue you are facing along with device, browser, and OS details?

    Sorry, it’s not possible to remove the reserved spacing as of now.

    DataPoint with different color

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS



    Ok thankyou, I’ll deal with the issue of apple devices shortly.

    Tell me is it possible for you to add some code to CanvasJS that detects if the series has an entry and if not it sets the width of the column to zero?

    I’m talking about updating CanvasJS itself you could then add a method for people to select if they want to remove blank columns in the series

    I really need the above column chart with no reserved spacing for series if there is no entry




    Thanks for the suggestion. As of now, this feature is not inline with our current roadmap.
    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS

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