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Logarithmic charts break when axisY minimum is set to minimum

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  • #34383

    Hi, I’ve noticed this issue where the entire chart seems to go blank when manually setting 0 as the axisY minimum.

    It works fine when using the default linear scaling, but breaks in logarithmic mode. Here’s a JSFiddle that reproduces the issue. JSFiddle

    Something else I’ve noticed is that it works if you use 0.01, or other extremely small non-zero values. It’s important to show these 0 values and a fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



    A logarithmic axis can only plot positive values. There simply is no way to put negative values or zero on a logarithmic axis.

    Fundamental: If 10L = Z, then L is the logarithm (base 10) of Z. If L is a negative value, then Z is a positive fraction of less than 1.0. If L is zero, then Z equals 1.0. If L is greater than 0, then Z is greater than 1.0. Note that there no value of L will result in a value of Z that is zero or negative. Logarithms are simply not defined for zero or negative numbers.

    Adithya Menon
    Team CanvasJS

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