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Large Data Query Question

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  • #44538

    Working with your team, we learned a good best practice is to plot 200 data points.

    We have queries that can have thousands of data points. As a result, we are right-sizing our data (Summarization) to get to the 200 data points

    For example: 30 days; 96 fifteen minute interval in a day – 2,880 intervals. We then divide by 200 to get to average intervals every 15 data points.

    However, we want our users to be able to drilldown into the detailed data – To get more grandularity

    My question is: Does Canvas JS allow a zoom in event to be a new query?…with the new query being based on the zoom in start / end dates

    The goal is to drill down into the detailed data without having performance issues. This will help us also with graph synchronization


    Doug Mewmaw



    You can use rangeChanging event to update the data with a new set of datapoints based on the zoomed range. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example of the same.
    Data Filtering in Column Chart

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS

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