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Labels on one bar of stacked bar

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  • #15254

    I had a Bar, that has 10 bars. Ive changed it to stacked bar of 8 bars because three of the bars are either ored, i.e a particular value will only add to one of these three bars. So seven of the bars have a single value, and one bar contains three stacked values.

    This works but I want my stacked bar to show what the three parts represent rather than just their numerical value
    I dont want the three value son the legend below the graph, since these three values are only relevant to the one bar

    NOte:I’ve added a mockup image but doesn’t seem to be displaying url is https://pasteboard.co/1wbHgXc2Y.jpg


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by paultaylor.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by paultaylor.


    Are you looking for indexLabel?

    Bivek Singh


    Maybe, but in the example they just show at the end of the bar, I would want the on the bar as my mockup shows



    You can place indexLabel inside bar by setting indexLabelPlacement to “inside”. You can also set orientation for indexLabels using indexLabelOrientation.

    Bivek Singh

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