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Issue With Chart Zoom

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  • #60063


    I currently have line chart with time on the x-axis. Upon zooming the chart I am passing the viewPortMin & viewPortMax to make the new network request. Until the request is getting fulfilled I am trying to render a custom loading spinner instead of the chart component. Below is the issue I am getting –

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘style’)
    at t._plotAreaMouseUp
    at t._mouseEventHandler
    at HTMLCanvasElement.<anonymous>

    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by arj.


    We are unable to reproduce the issue. Can you kindly create a JSFiddle (or a sample project) reproducing the issue and share it with us so that we can run it locally at our end, understand the scenario better and help you out?

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS



    Try showing a custom button once chart is zoomed instead of the canvas chart. Getting error in this function _plotAreaMouseUp. The below checks throws error –

    if (reRender && this.zoomEnabled && this._zoomButton.style.display === “none”) {
    show(this._zoomButton, this._resetButton);
    setButtonState(this, this._zoomButton, “pan”);
    setButtonState(this, this._resetButton, “reset”);



    I have called chart.destroy in unmount method thats why this._zoomButton was setting up as null.



    Can you kindly create a sample project reproducing the issue and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can run it locally at our end to understand scenario better, and help you out?

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS

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