Home Forums Chart Support Import issue: Module ‘”angular-charts”‘ has no exported member ‘CanvasJS’

Import issue: Module ‘”angular-charts”‘ has no exported member ‘CanvasJS’

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  • #44586

    Hi, for some reason starting today (there was no problems in the last 3 months) my imports of the class CanvasJS won’t work in Angular project. Could you please help me to sort out why and how to fix it or a workaround?
    I am importing it like that:

    import {
    } from '@canvasjs/angular-charts';


    And then use it to create a container and rerender:

    this.chart = new CanvasJS.Chart('chartContainer', {
          theme: ChartConstants.THEME,
          animationEnabled: true,
          options: {
            scales: {
              y: {
                stacked: true,
          title: {
            text: '',
          axisY: {
            title: '',
            suffix: '',
          toolTip: {
            shared: 'true',
          legend: {
            cursor: ChartConstants.CURSOR,
          data: currentOptions,

    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by kkoroleva.
    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by kkoroleva.
    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by kkoroleva.


    You can import CanvasJS from @canvasjs/charts package directly in this case. Please find the code-snippet below.

    import * as CanvasJS from '@canvasjs/charts';

    Please check out CanvasJS npm package from this link.

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS



    Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately, it is not working. But now both modules doesn’t work. I have installed the latest versions of both and tried to reinstall all node modules and recreate package-lock

    import issue with chart
    import issue with angular-chart



    We don’t have CanvasJS Charts TypeScript definition as of now. However, charts seems to work fine with TypeScript as well. You can ignore the corresponding error by adding //@ts-ignore above the import statement as shown in the code-snippet below:

    import * as CanvasJS from '@canvasjs/charts';

    Ananya Deka
    Team CanvasJS



    I am getting this warning after running the Angular 18 ng build command:

    ▲ [WARNING] Module '@canvasjs/charts' used by 'node_modules/@canvasjs/angular-charts/fesm2015/canvasjs-angular-charts.js' is not ESM
    CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
    For more information see: https://angular.dev/tools/cli/build#configuring-commonjs-dependencies

    Could you please assist me with this issue?



    You are getting this warning because angular-charts package uses CommonJS/AMD modules. You can suppress the warning by adding it to allowedCommonJsDependencies under build options in your angular.json file, as shown below:

    "build": {
        "options": {
            "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [

    Please refer to this angular documentation for more information.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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