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How to get graph type after chart is rendered

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  • #11589

    Is it possible to get the current type of graph after the graph is created using jquery


    Yes, to get the chart type of first dataSeries use

    Source: jQuery Integration Overview


    Thank you
    I tried this code but it shows an error message ‘undefined is not a function’

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Akhil H.

    I used chrome devtools console and came to know that CanvasJSChart() function is not available.


    Without looking into code it’s hard to guess the issue. Can you please create a jsfiddle?



    We have just released v1.9.6 Beta with Methods & Properties, which allows you to export chart as image, print chart, programmatically access internally calculated values, etc. Please refer to the release blog for more information.

    In canvasjs.min.js or canvasjs.js all chart initialized variables can be reffered using chart.options. So, here you can use chart.options.data[0].type to get assigned chart type of first dataSeries.

    Source: https://canvasjs.com/docs/charts/basics-of-creating-html5-chart/updating-chart-options/


    Thanks a lot
    It worked fine…..

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