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How can set dataPointWidth default value?

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  • #15117

    Hi, I am using Canvasjs property dataPointWidth. For a particular scenario in a stacked column chart, I need dataPointWidth property. I have also other several charts like column, line etc. As I am using the same function to load all the charts. So, now as I defined dataPointWidth property everywhere it is setting the same which is correct. But I don’t want that. So, I tried by using if statement when the only id for stackedColumn comes then it set to particular value otherwise set to default. But if I use the default, auto it does not load the chart. So, is there any default keyword which I can use in this scenario



    dataPointWidth applies to all the dataSeries present in the chart. You can’t mention dataPointWidth for specific series as of now.
    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS


    Ok, thanks. I have thought of a workaround by using maxDataPointWidth so that it won’t after a max width which will help to solve my case.

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