Home Forums Feature Requests & Feedback Hiding Dataseries when legend clicked

Hiding Dataseries when legend clicked

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  • #5387


    I would like to hide a few dataseries and show the remaining ones when their legends are clikced .
    I wanted to know how i would be able to implement this, such a feature is available in NVD3 graphs and D3.js



    Now we have a Tutorial on Hiding / Unhiding Data Series in a Chart.


    This feature isn’t available as of now.


    Thanks sunil , but do u have any such thing planned in the future or can u provide a circuitous solution which i can implement on my own??


    I’ve this planned for v1.5 – will take around 2 months.



    Now we have a Tutorial on Hiding / Unhiding Data Series in a Chart.


    In version 1.4 we have implemented legend events and visible property for data series. Using both the features you can hide unhide data series on legend click.

    Sunil Urs

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Sunil Urs.
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