Hello! I love Canvas JS so far, but have a question:
What is the best way to get the true (x, y) position of a data point in pure CSS in CanvasJS?
I know of these 2 methods, convertValueToPixel and convertPixelToValue:
But they are not what I need, because I need the position of the data point in terms of CSS’ (left, right), from the top-left corner of the viewpoint, and NOT the x or y position above the chart’s axis. I need this info to run an HTML animation that will move from the x position of the data point with a value of 0, all the way to the data point with the highest value.
Thank you so much! You guys really are helpful, and it’s money really well spent so far! :)
P.S. – I’m also using CanvasJS in React, just FYI