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FontSize causing hanging

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  • #45105

    Hello, I’m using a log log chart and found that it hangs if I include fontSize in title.

    Why does this not work?

    If you remove fontSize from title, the plot shows up fine.



    Based on the range of y-axis the chart is rendering too many labels which is causing the browser to freeze. Setting interval seems to work fine in this case. You can customize the format of axis labels to show in exponential format by setting valueFormatStringproperty to “0E0”. Kindly have a look at this updated JSFiddle for the working example on the same.

    Sachin Bisht
    Team CanvasJS


    How would I get it to use interval: 1 ?



    There seems to be an issue with respect to this use-case while setting interval to 1. We will investigate it further and fix it in future versions.

    Sachin Bisht
    Team CanvasJS


    Interesting, thanks for looking into it!

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