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Float y axis labels on top of scrolling chart

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  • #60724

    @Manoj Mohan

    Use of div resizing seems to break the static labels

    var destCtx = $(‘#’ + destId)

    The error is on line 53 of the fiddle.

    Here is a fiddle that helps to replicate this error.

    What do you think?


    @Manoj Mohan
    Thank you for your continued assistance.

    For other reasons window.onload does not work for this application. I instead need to use document.ready function.

    When I replace window.onload with document.ready the sample does not work.

    see fiddle for same example using document.ready




    window.onload is executed after the entire page (including all dependent resources like images, stylesheets, and scripts) has finished loading. It ensures that all DOM elements and resources (like the CanvasJS script) are available before the code inside window.onload is run. $(document).ready() runs as soon as the DOM is fully loaded and ready, but before other resources (like images and external stylesheets) are completely loaded. Please refer to this link for more information about window.onload.

    Manoj Mohan
    Team CanvasJS


    @Manoj Mohan

    I got this working. There is allot of proprietary details that I couldn’t show you that was making the label overlay more complex. I kept going back to your fiddle example and I got it all figured out.

    Thank you for your assistance. Much appreciated.

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