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Fix the width of chart

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  • #17615


    Is it possible to fix the width of chart part ?

    I’m using a line chart with 600 values and I try to set width only for the chart part with no result.

    What I try to have is 1px per point displayed.

    Any idea ?





    Are you looking for viewportMinimum & viewportMaximum? If this doesn’t suit your requirements, can you please brief us more about your requirements so that we can understand it better & help you out.

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS


    Hi and thanks for the response.

    I’m not looking for viewportminimum and maximum.

    What I try to do is to fix at 600px only the “graphic part”, the representation of my data, without the label of AXIS Y.

    With other words I try to have a “pitch=1” for the graphic part (600 points to display = 600 pixel on screen)

    I hope I’m clear and sorry for my poor English.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by archange.


    Are you looking for something like this? If this doesn’t suit your requirements, please brief us more about your requirements or provide some pictorial representation so that we can understand it better & help you out.

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS


    Works fine ! Thank you !

    I added a div (width = 600px) over the chartcontainer, align with the Y Axis and the right border is over the last point of the plot area.

    You rock !

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