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dynamic multistacked graph

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  • #23280

    I am referring this chart, I want the labels should come from database and it should plot the graph, according to that particular labels should display the status in the graph,how to apply loop for dynamic database data please help me
    Thank you


    I am referring stacked-column chart, I want the labels should come from database and it should plot the graph, according to that particular labels should display the status in the graph,how to apply loop for dynamic database data please help me
    Thank you


    Thank you @Vishwas R for solving my previous issue,hope you will solve my second issue also.
    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by snehal.


    I want the labels should come from database and it should plot the graph, according to that particular labels should display the status in the graph,

    In multiseries charts, data-points are grouped based on common x-values. Providing same x-values along with labels should work fine in your case.

    The sample code provided in the previous reply seems to be working fine as per your requirements. If there are any changes in the code / database, please share the updated code that reproduces the issue you are facing, so that I can look into it and help you resolving it.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank You @Vishwas R.for your precious reply. I attached my requirements in this link please check it.
    Thank You



    You can modify SQL query to get the count of status and other parameters accordingly. Please take a look at this updated code where customers and status of the complaints are grouped based on userId – which is considered as x-value to the dataPoint (In multiseries charts, data-points are grouped based on common x-values).

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank You sooooo much @Vishwas R. Hats Off to you :)


    One more thing sir i want to ask, if we want to use customerName only instead of userid then how to modify it.Because if i Written customerName then blank graph is generating.
    Thank You


    One more thing @Vishwas R. sir i want to ask, if we want to use customerName only instead of userid then how to modify it.Because if i Written customerName then blank graph is generating.
    Thank You



    If you don’t like to use userId and just use customerName from database, you need to parse data received from database accordingly. Here is the updated code for your scenario.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank you @Vishwas R. for solving my problem.


    hello @Vishwas R sir, as u explained in above project how to fetch data for stacked graph it helped me,thank you. Now i want to know if “function” column in table will be dynamic means, if through master table another value is added in that column then how to handle it ??Please help me



    Please take a look at this sample project for creating dynamic charts using data from MySQL database in PHP. Also, please refer to this documentation page on creating a Live Updating Charts from JSON API & AJAX.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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