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Draggable StripLines in Candlestick Chart without JQuery

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  • #29342

    I’m trying to create a candlestick chart with multiple striplines, which I have done. I’m using Angular, with Bootstrap and JQuery3.4.1 Slim.

    My issue is with making the striplines draggable. I found this example, https://jsfiddle.net/canvasjs/ef097412/, which works nicely and if I copy the exact code into my index.html it also works. It’s when I try to remove the JQuery syntax and revert back to basic HTML/Typescript that I seem to have issues. For example how do I calculate the offsets when I only have the event property? It also seems that the stripLines function .get(“bounds”) doesn’t exist or returns null.

    Do you think you could create an example the same as https://jsfiddle.net/canvasjs/ef097412/ but without using JQuery please? That would really help me. Thank you in advance.



    Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for the same example without jQuery(plain JavaScript).

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    Thank you – that’s really useful.

    One further question please, I have added ability to click the chart to add a stripline manually. This automatically creates an area and adds another stripline some distance away, but sometimes this auto-calculated stripline is off the scale of the chart. Is there a way to trigger the chart to re-calculate the x-axis scale?



    Can you kindly create a JSFiddle reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us so that we can look into your code, understand the scenario better, and help you out?

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS

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