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Displaying only max and min ticks marks on axis?

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  • #17541

    Can’t seem to find any post regarding to only show max & min tick marks on axis.
    Is it possible to display tick marks only on start and end of an axis?



    This feature is not available out of the box, as of now but, you can take a look at this work-around.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS


    Hello Indranil,
    Thanks for the solution.
    However, this solution will only work on axisX but not y axis. As striplines can not be added horizontally, is that correct?
    We would like to have similar features on axisY too.
    Thanks in advance


    Apologise for the mistake above, striplines can be added on both axis. Thanks for the help :)



    Glad that you figured it out.

    Please have a look at stripLines for axisY.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Indranil.
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