Home Forums Chart Support Data Point Mouseover – not very accurate

Data Point Mouseover – not very accurate

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  • #15552

    I have set a function to be triggered on mouseover like this:

     data: [
                            type: "spline",   
    						mouseover: onMouseover,   
    						click: onMouseover,  
                            dataPoints: dataPoints

    This does work but it doesn’t always happen.

    Is there a better way to achieve this?

    Ideally I would like an event to be triggered anytime that the cursor moves over the chart – as the dot & labels move from point to point (i.e. not just when the mouse is over the actual marker, but when it is within the range). Any advice would be appreciated.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by NOT REAL NAME.


    This feature is not available out of the box as of now. However, you can take a look at this work-around.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    Thanks very much, that’s great.

    Thanks for such a great script.

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