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Create scrollbar when access column chart on mobile

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  • #26135


    I want to created guest monitoring while I can monitoring the guest on my apartment every 1 hour, and I have chosen using a column chart, it work’s fine. The problem is when I’m open page in responsive mode (mobile phone), the x label is not good looking.

    Here’s the code

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
    var chart3 = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer3",{
          title: {
            fontFamily: "tahoma"              
          axisX: {
            interval: 1
          axisY: {
            title: "Guest "
        data: [{
          type: "column",
          dataPoints: [
            { label: "12AM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "1AM", y: 0  },
            { label: "2AM", y: 0  },
            { label: "3AM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "4AM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "5AM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "6AM", y: 0  },
            { label: "7AM", y: 1  },
            { label: "8AM",  y: 5  },
            { label: "9AM",  y: 10  },
            { label: "10AM",  y: 20  },
            { label: "11AM", y: 15  },
            { label: "12PM", y: 10  },
            { label: "1PM",  y: 3  },
            { label: "2PM",  y: 7  },
            { label: "3PM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "4PM", y: 0  },
            { label: "5PM", y: 0  },
            { label: "6PM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "7PM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "8PM",  y: 0  },
            { label: "9PM", y: 0  },
            { label: "10PM", y: 0  },
            { label: "11PM",  y: 0  }

    How do I can create my column chart responsive looking very well when I need to see so much data ?

    Thank you



    Setting the interval to 1 forces chart to show labels at every x-value of 1 over the x-axis. Removing it and let chart show labels at auto calculated interval should look better in this case.

    Shashi Ranjan
    Team CanvasJS

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