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Combine StackColumn and Column

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  • #28772

    Hello, i am trying to do a specific type of graph where i need to have in one X point two different columns, where one is stacked and one is simple.

    Can i achieve this?

    I tried combinations but i always end with one stacked collumn.

    I want to do a graph like this.(https://imgur.com/CTAhlPo)

    I am sorry if this is a duplicate topic, i didn’t find it.

    Best Regards.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by sscotto.


    Combining column with stackedColumn chart will lead to overlapping. However, you can achieve the above requirement by assigning one of the stackedColumn dataSeries to secondary Y Axis. Please take a look at this JSFiddle.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS

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