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Charting Non Numeric Data

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  • #6513

    Is there a way to do a scatter chart based on data that is NOT numerical?
    Scatter Chart with Non-numeric data

    Envisioning something like this:

    dataPoints: [
    { labelx: “Tier 1”, labely: “Advanced”, name:”UK” },
    { labelx: “Tier 2”, labely: “Proficient”, name:”Georgia” },
    { labelx: “Tier 3”, labely: “Basic”, name:”Iceland” },
    { labelx: “Tier 3”, labely: “Minimal”, name:”Austria” }


    Another needed feature is grouping data variables. So if I have records with values of 1, 2, and 3 then those would show up under the Tier 1 group (Tier 2 is 4-6, and Tier 3 is 7-10).



    Though this is not directly supported, we have a workaround that you can use. Here is a jsfiddle for the workaround. Because range of Tier 3 is 4 (7-10) while for others its 3, Tire3 is wider.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Anjali.
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