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Chart Overlapping Issue

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  • #36950

    When we add Same Data in same x axis Point , Use Viewport and Use Zoom Enable Because we have lots of Record then Bar is Overlap With Next Point Bar.
    I Make a Demo of it in JSFiddle
    Link :: https://jsfiddle.net/kevalpanchal/jfu48nm1/14/

    Then Please Provide Solution of it



    The dataPointWidth is auto calculated such that no column is overlapped in case of a single series or multi-series chart. In your case, you are setting the dataPointWidth manually which makes the columns overlap with each other.

    Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for a working example.

    Multi-Series Column Chart

    Considering this thread as a duplicate of Bar Chart Overlapping Issue and hence closing the same.

    Thangaraj Raman
    Team CanvasJS

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