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Canvas view with large no of channels

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  • #22698

    Hi CanavasJS team,

    I have around 20 no of channels. But in http://jsfiddle.net/273Lqh3g/123/ I am not able to see the last 2 channels(channel name view which appears at the bottom of canvas). Is there any way by which we can see all the channel name without increasing the height of container or can we truncate the channel name view which appears at the bottom.




    You can set itemMaxWidth property to a required value and itemWrap property to false for legend, to truncate the channel names, as shown in this updated jsfiddle.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS


    Thanks Priyanka,

    But is there any other way by which we can accommodate the whole channel word in lesser space. Because I want to view whole channel name.Or can we show tooltip for the truncated channels name.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Tejal.


    The space for every legend text is allocated based on the height and width of the chart container. If sufficient space is not available to render every legend completely, the legend text will be wrapped or skipped internally to enhance readability.
    However, itemWrap can be set to false to avoid wrapping of legend text and you can set the itemMaxWidth property according to the height and width of chart container or fontSize of the text can be reduced to make the more characters visible. Please take a look at this example on the custom legend which might be of help.

    can we show tooltip for the truncated channels name.

    toolTip for legends is not available as of now.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS

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