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Canvas.com link still showing

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  • #23987

    I’ve purchased a license for an internal application and deployed the new script file. The trial version link has disappeared but the credit link is still showing. Shouldn’t it go away on it’s own?

    I’m wondering if it is because the application I’m developing is an “Internal” Application, but it is hosted on Azure. Only internal users have access to it after logging in through Microsoft with their Azure domain account.



    The commercial version of CanvasJS doesn’t carry any watermark or credit link. Since you have already replaced the trial version of CanvasJS with the commercial version, please clear the browser cache and try again.

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS


    Turns out I was referencing an online version of the canvasjs.min.js file in my layout instead of the correct one in my scripts folder. Thanks for your help!

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by TyrrellNick. Reason: typo


    Glad you were able to resolve the issue. Thanks for choosing CanvasJS.. :)

    Indranil Deo,
    Team CanvasJS

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