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Candlestick chart

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  • #27171

    Hey y’all so I am working on a project and part of my project is to populate a candlestick graph where the data is changing every minute. Our website has a feature that allows the user to change the time range of the candlestick chart. For example, they can change the c-axis to display every 5 minutes instead of every minute. This also works for 15 minutes, 1 hour, every four hours, every week, every month.

    Now, this brings up two issues:

    1. The main issue I am having is that a candlestick graph populates a candle for every time interval. So if my graph has an individual candle for every minute whenever I change the time range the candles are supposed to aggregate. For example, my graph initially displays a candle for every minute between 00:00 and 00:05 so if was to change the time interval to every 5 minutes the graph should sum the values between 00:00 and 00:05 and display it on the graph as one data point rather than five data points.

    2. My second issue is that I have to insert over 10000 data points in order to have enough data for a months work of data points. Keep in mind each data point represents an individual minute. So adding this many points makes the candlestick graph crash because there is too many data points. Is there any workaroudn around that?

    I appreciate any amount of help, thank you so much!



    We are looking into your query and will get back to you at earliest.

    Shashi Ranjan
    Team CanvasJS



    Please take a look at this JSFiddle.

    Shashi Ranjan
    Team CanvasJS

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