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border around charts

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  • #6320


    I’m trying to put a border around charts.
    Setting a border around the div appears to be a good option, but the canvas is drawn above the border.
    Probably some problem with float: left


    Any ideas?




    The issue is that the height is not set for the chart container and hence border is getting drawn only at the top. Here is a JSFiddle with the issue fixed.

    Setting border around charts

    As of now whenever height of the container is not set, we use default size on chart but don’t set height of the container itself. In future versions we’ll consider this.

    Sunil Urs
    Team CanvasJS


    Its working, thanks.

    we use default side on chart but don’t set height of the container itself.

    I think both options are correct :)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Daniel Silva.
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