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  • #26538

    i encoded the chart into base64 url and assigned that into js var variable,now i want to pass that value into php variable ,how do i do that



    You can pass the value of variables from JavaScript to PHP code using mechanisms such as GET or POST methods. Please refer this article for more information.

    Indranil Deo
    Team CanvasJS


    What i do is:

    Create a Form with POST Method and a text area inside with style=”display:none;” to hidde it.

    <form action="/GetBase64Chart/" method="post" name="formToSendBase64" id="formToSendBase64">
        <textarea style="display:none;" id="txtareaBase64" name="txtareaBase64"> </textarea>

    and with JS i create a button to “Export” the Base64 to the backend. Then i get the base64 of the canvas chart and i passed it to the textarea value like in the next code…

    $("#exportButton").click(function () {
                    var canvas = $("#Chart .canvasjs-chart-canvas").get(0);
                    var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL();
                    document.getElementById("txtareaBase64").value = dataURL;
                    var form = document.getElementById("formToSendBase64");
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