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Bar Chart

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  • #43536

    I am using bar chart for creating chart. X-axis is showing of budget of phones and y-axis is showing score of phone based on some criterion. Currently when I am hovering over the particular bar, it is showing value of x-axis, bar color and value of y-axis, instead of this I want to show phone name(dynamic value based on score). Can you help me with this.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by saloni.


    You can use toolTipContent to display custom content in the tooltip or if you are looking to show some text over all the bars at once, you can use indexLabel.

    If this does not meet your requirement, kindly brief us further with a pictorial representation or an example so that we can understand your requirement better and suggest an appropriate solution.

    Thangaraj Raman
    Team CanvasJS

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