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Auto refresh Graph with some particular time duration

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  • #23241


    Kindly zip the .sln file including the complete project with necessary dependencies(You can find the complete project in the location in which you have saved your project) along with .mdf and the .ldf file for the sample database, upload it to Google-Drive or Onedrive and share the link with us.

    Priyanka M S
    Team CanvasJS


    Please refer above link for sample project which i have tried and try to find a solution
    Below is the sample data which i have created on database


    Please refer this link for sample project which i have tried



    Please be go through above link for database


    Hello Priyanka M S,
    Could please share some sample project in which we are going to refresh the chart with in a some particular time duration using Asp.net mvc and sql
    Please provide some sample database which is working fine.



    Please take a look at this sample project in ASP.Net MVC which updates chart data every 2seconds (which can be changed as per your requirements) by reading data from database.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Hello Vishwas R,
    In my project it was not displaying any values on graph
    I have 2 columns on my table names as stock on x-axis and head in y-axis and name of the table name as db.kpi
    Let me know why it was not displaying any data
    Thanks and regards,


    I have tried your example again there should be some bugs
    If i try to change the any value on database which i have already created is not updating on graph and in the same way delete also not working
    For example in database we have 2 columns x and y
    x y
    1 10
    2 20
    If i need change
    x y
    1 20
    2 30
    In the same way delete also
    x y
    1 20
    If i can delete row 2
    In these both scenarios graph is not updating.
    let me know the reason why this was not updating



    In my project it was not displaying any values on graph
    I have 2 columns on my table names as stock on x-axis and head in y-axis and name of the table name as db.kpi
    Let me know why it was not displaying any data

    The sample project that you have shared is not working as it doesn’t include all dependency files. However when I looked into view (index.cshtml), you seemed to be creating new chart instance on every update. I would suggest you to create chart instance once and update dataPoints on every update and re-render the chart.

    I have tried your example again there should be some bugs
    If i try to change the any value on database which i have already created is not updating on graph and in the same way delete also not working

    While updating chart dataPoints, you can empty dataPoints array and update it according to the updated data which you receive from database as shown in this updated sample project.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Hello Vishwas R ,

    time refresh is working fine only of both data types are int.
    But Here my data types are one is string another is int.
    could you plase share some live example which cab be working fine in all instances
    in my database i have 2 fileds
    x y
    string1 100
    string2 50

    Thanks & Regards
    Mahesh Reddy

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by maheshbapathi.

    Hello Vishwas R ,
    In view we are giving static time intervel.In my requirement i want to give time intervel from database.
    I have tried a lot but didn’t get a solution. could you please help me.

    Example in database i have created a table for time intervel in that i am going to assign time intervels like this

    Thanks & Regards
    Mahesh Reddy

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by maheshbapathi.
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