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ASP.Net Web Forms and CanvasJS

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  • #8401

    My university is looking for a web charting tool that allows the university to “stand out” on charts/graphs. In the past, we’ve manually customized Excel charts to highlight USF and presented the data in a printed book (see examples below). We are building a website take the place of the book. The ASP.Net Web Form website pulls from a Microsoft SQL Server database. The charts are in a .aspx file with the code file in the aspx.cs file, which is written in C#.

    Bar chart example from Excel:
    Bar chart

    Line chart example from Excel:
    Line chart

    I’ve tried looking up the following in the forums but can’t find anything relevant to ASP.Net Web Forms.

    1) Can CanvasJS use a data table created in C# from a SQL Server query? If so, how? In other words, how do I pass the data table contents to the javascript code?

    The C# code in the aspx.cs file:

        public void BuildDataTable()
            string panda_db = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["panda_db"].ConnectionString;  // stored in web.config file
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(panda_db);
            string query = "SELECT  InstitutionName, DataValue FROM dbo.EXT_DataValues where SourceVariableName = 'Total Student Headcount' and StandardYear = '2013' order by InstitutionName";
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
            dtHeadCount = new DataTable();
            using (SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    lblStatus.Text = ex.ToString();

    2) Will CanvasJS allow me to change the color and other attributes of a specific bar or line in a chart, see URL above for examples? If so, how? How do I cycle through the data to find “USF” and change only its bar or line attributes?

    Any help would be appreciated!

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