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Adding #total to dynamic generated toolTip

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  • #20211

    Hello guys.
    I have an array, with 20 sub arrays, that goes into my graph.
    In my toolTip im displaying {name}: {y}, the thing is, not all of my points in the graph has 20 entries, some only have 6..
    Im trying to work out a solution to adding Total: #total to the end of the toolTipContent.

    Have anyone done this before and might know where i can be going wrong?

    (I can add code and pictures if its needed)

    #edit1: Forgot to mention that im using a Stacked Area Chart.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by jonas. Reason: Added type of chart


    Can you kindly create jsfiddle, so that we can understand your requirement better and help you out?

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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