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You can download the commercial version package from the My Account page and the steps to integrate have been addressed in the instruction.html file which is present inside each package under the @canvasjs folder. For example, if you are integrating CanvasJS charts with Angular, download the commercial version and navigate to @canvasjs > angular-charts > instruction.html

Additionally, you can even host the commercial version of the CanvasJS chart package (@canvasjs/charts) on your own server by following these steps:

  1. Compress the package into a .tar.gz file.
  2. Upload the compressed file to your server.
  3. In your package.json, reference the package using the URL of your server, like this:

@canvasjs/charts": "https://your-domain.com/packages/canvasjs-charts-v3.11.0.tar.gz

This approach avoids conflicts with public npm versions and integrates smoothly into your app. Please refer to this article for more information.

Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS