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You can use react onWheel event to zoom into the chart by updating the viewportMinimum and viewportMaximum properties as shown below –

wheelHandler = (e) => {
  if(e.clientX < chart.plotArea.x1 || e.clientX > chart.plotArea.x2 || e.clientY < chart.plotArea.y1 || e.clientY > chart.plotArea.y2)

  var axisX = chart.axisX[0];
  var viewportMin = axisX.get("viewportMinimum"),
      viewportMax = axisX.get("viewportMaximum"),
      interval = axisX.get("minimum");

  var newViewportMin, newViewportMax;

  if (e.deltaY < 0) {
    newViewportMin = viewportMin + interval;
    newViewportMax = viewportMax - interval;
  else if (e.deltaY > 0) {
    newViewportMin = viewportMin - interval;
    newViewportMax = viewportMax + interval;

  if(newViewportMin < chart.axisX[0].get("minimum"))
    newViewportMin = chart.axisX[0].get("minimum");

  if(newViewportMax > chart.axisX[0].get("maximum"))
    newViewportMax = chart.axisX[0].get("maximum");

  if((newViewportMax - newViewportMin) > (2 * interval)){
    dataPointCounter = 0;
    for ( var i = 0; i < chart.options.data[0].dataPoints.length; i++ ){
      if(chart.options.data[0].dataPoints[i].x > newViewportMin && chart.options.data[0].dataPoints[i].x < newViewportMax){
    if(dataPointCounter > 2){
      chart.axisX[0].set("viewportMinimum", newViewportMin, false);
      chart.axisX[0].set("viewportMaximum", newViewportMax);

Please take a look at this StackBlitz for an example.

Zooming using mouse wheel in React

Indranil Deo
Team CanvasJS