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As mentioned earlier, we don’t filter or skip any dataPoint values to render chart. Consider this JSFiddle for an example. In the fiddle, you can observe that the dataPoints values { x: 1, y: 1 }, { x: 2, y: 2 }, { x: 3, y: 3 } are displayed in same pixel vertically. i.e if multiple dataPoints with different y-values end up sharing the same pixel co-ordinate vertically. In the case of dataPoints with same y value & different x value, it ends up overlapping each other and gets rendered in same pixel co-ordinate vertically & horizontally. Similarly, for same x and y values, dataPoints will be displayed one top of another (overlaps one on top of other).

In the shared example, even when 1000 datapoints are rendered within 600px chart width, you can clearly observe that we don’t group or skip any dataPoint irrespective of a large number of dataPoints to be displayed in the limited width available.

Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS