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Following is my chart object just before chart.render() Logged with JSON.stringify(chart)
“options”: {
“cursor”: “pointer”,
“title”: {
“text”: “Events breakdown by Event Type”
“data”: [
“type”: “doughnut”,
“dataPoints”: [
“label”: “Severe G-Force”,
“y”: 2,
“color”: “blueviolet”
“label”: “High G-Force”,
“y”: 21,
“color”: “darkmagenta”
“label”: “Driving w/o Seatbelt”,
“y”: 38,
“color”: “midnightblue”
“label”: “Speed Violation”,
“y”: 171,
“color”: “red”

Chart renders as an empty box with the Chart Title (Events breakdown by Event Type) and a tiny canvas.js link in the bottom right