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Slight improvement, On large datasets the “search speed up” doesn’t work right.

Change this section:

		if( document.getElementById("xData"+i) ) { // to speed up the search!
						ii_start = document.getElementById("xData"+i).innerHTML-2;
						if (ii_start < 0 ) { ii_start = 0 }
					if (typeof(dataPoints[ chart.options.data[i].name ]) == 'undefined') {


					if (typeof(dataPoints[ chart.options.data[i].name ]) == 'undefined' ) {

						if( document.getElementById("xData"+i) ) { // to speed up the search!
							ii_start = parseInt(document.getElementById("xData"+i).innerHTML);
							if (ii_start > 0 ) { 
								while (ii_start > 0
								 && e.entries[0].dataPoint.x.getTime() - chart.options.data[i].dataPoints[ii_start].x.getTime() < 0) {
									ii_start = parseInt(ii_start*.9)-6;
							ii_start-= 6;
							if (ii_start < 0 ) { ii_start = 0 }