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Problem with show the tooltip info outside chart

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  • #60588


    Good morning.

    i have a graph where I need to show the same data that tooltip shows but in an element outside of the graph. I have seen in forum the next ways to do it:
    – Setting a function in the “update” field of the “tooltip”, calling ” CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.entries[0].xValue, “##.##”)” to get the xasis value and after, prints this in a “span” element.

    I have done a little code with jsfiddle code, and I can see the value. But the problem comes when I do the same in my graph. The element outside of the graph doesn´t show the value and the “Chromes console” says the next message when a open the section on web that has the graph:

    Thank you for your time and help.



    Good morning.

    I have resolved the problem. There was a set of a var wrong, and this did that the value didn´t print.



    the “Chromes console” says the next message when a open the section on web that has the graph:

    It seems like you might be using an older version of CanvasJS. CanvasJS library was optimized for multiple readback operations starting from v3.7.11 GA. Please refer to this blog post for more information on the improvements and changes made. We recommend updating to the latest version of CanvasJS to take advantage of performance enhancements, bug fixes & new features. Upgrading to the latest version will ensure smoother operations, better compatibility & overall enhanced performance in your application.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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