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Home › Forums › Chart Support › Want to use push to add two line plots
Tagged: .push
I have a chart with the following code
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
animationEnabled: true,
zoomEnabled: true,
theme: "dark2",
title: {
text: "All-Sky Stars"
title: "time",
gridThickness: 2,
intervalType: "minute",
interlacedColor: "#292949",
labelAngle: -60
}, axisY: {
logarithmic: false,
title: "Number of Stars",
titleFontColor: "#6D78AD",
lineColor: "#6D78AD",
gridThickness: 0,
lineThickness: 1,
labelFormatter: addSymbols
axisY2: {
title: "Percent Clouds",
titleFontColor: "#51CDA0",
logarithmic: false,
lineColor: "#51CDA0",
gridThickness: 0,
lineThickness: 1,
labelFormatter: addSymbols
data: [
xValueType: "dateTime",
dataPoints: []
// Check if the MQTT topic is 'canvasJS' to add point to chart
if (topic === 'canvasJS') {
var dataPoint = JSON.parse(message.payloadString);
// Update the chart with new data
function updateChart(dataPoint) {[0].dataPoints.push(dataPoint);
// chart.render();
function addSymbols(e) {
var suffixes = ["", "K", "M", "B", "T"];
var order = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(e.value)) / Math.log(1000)), 0);
if (order > suffixes.length - 1)
order = suffixes.length - 1;
var suffix = suffixes[order];
return CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.value / Math.pow(1000, order), "#,##0.##") + suffix;
My JSON looks like this {“x”:1687209355000,”y”:0}
I want to add another series to this chart. What does the push statement look like to add an additional series point?
Also can I have a JSON that has most Y values like {“x”:1687209355000,”y1″:10,”y2″:40}
Any help is much appreciated! Your canvasJS has let me make a great chart.
The datapoint object only accepts x and y values as of now. Your JSON can be in this format – {“x”:1687209355000,”y1″:10,”y2″:40}
, however, you will have to parse the JSON data in the format accepted by CanvasJS and then pass them as datapoints to the chart. Please check the code snippet below:
for(var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {[0].dataPoints.push({x: jsonData[i].x, y: jsonData[i].y1})[1].dataPoints.push({x: jsonData[i].x, y: jsonData[i].y2})
Thangaraj Raman
Team CanvasJS
Tagged: .push
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