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I think I must be missing something: Doesn’t CanvasJS have official TypeScript type definitions anywhere? I see a seven-years-out-of-date community project on DefinitelyTyped, but nothing from CanvasJS and nothing up-to-date.

If you really don’t have TypeScript definitions for the library yet, then frankly in 2021 you’re losing sales as a result. I was leaning toward CanvasJS vs. another charting lib but this is a big mark against CanvasJS, so please tell me I’m wrong before I make my recommendation to the client. Thanks.

(I’ve downloaded the linked sample and don’t see any type definitions for the lib in it. Side note: You really shouldn’t include node_modules in zips like that.)

  • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by tjcrowder. Reason: Left off key info