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XAxis Labels with Date only (no timestamp)

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  • #34527

    I have a chart I want to show values by day only. But, if the sample is small, the chart auto-magically spreads out to show full timestamp (date + time). I don’t want the time to show ever, only the date.
    Is there a way to do that other than creating my own XAxis as a ‘label’ type?



    You can use valueFormatString property to define how X-axis labels must be formatted before they appear. Please take a look at this code-snippet for an example on showing only date as the labels,

       valueFormatString: "DD-MMM" ,

    Kindly, take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on the same.

    date time formatting using valueFormatString property

    Adithya Menon
    Team CanvasJS

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