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Multi Series Area Charts

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  • #32895

    Does this area chart –


    support the sum of the two y axis data points as a 3rd data line ?


    Would it be as simple as adding (3) –

    $dataPoints3 = array( …




    It is possible to create a new dataPoints array by summing up each y value of the first 2 dataPoints array as shown below –

    $dataPoints3 = array();
     $sumDataPoints = array();
     foreach($dataPoints1 as $dps) {
        $sumDataPoints[$dps["x"]] = array_key_exists($dps["x"], $sumDataPoints) ? $sumDataPoints[$dps["x"]] + $dps["y"] : $dps["y"];
     foreach($dataPoints2 as $dps) {
        $sumDataPoints[$dps["x"]] = array_key_exists($dps["x"], $sumDataPoints) ? $sumDataPoints[$dps["x"]] + $dps["y"] : $dps["y"];
     foreach($sumDataPoints as $x => $dps) {
        array_push($dataPoints3,array("x" => $x, "y" => $sumDataPoints[$x]));

    You can create a multi-series area chart by providing each of these dataPoints array as separate dataSeries.

    Kindly take a look at this Sample php project for an example on creating a multi-series area chart with the third dataSeries being the sum of the first two dataSeries.

    dataseries displaying the sum of other dataseries

    Adithya Menon
    Team CanvasJS

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