Home Forums Chart Support Need a Assistance to fetch and connect Bubble chart to mysql via PHP

Need a Assistance to fetch and connect Bubble chart to mysql via PHP

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  • #25845
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    			<div class="row">
    			<div class="row">
    					<h4 class="chart-title"></h4>
    					<div class="col-md-1 hidden-md-down life-expec-chart-info">
    						<p class="chart-info-description">
    							<sup><i class="fa fa-quote-left quotes-size" aria-hidden="true"></i></sup>
    					<div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-12">
    						<div id="GDP-per-capita-bubble-chart"></div>
    				<div class="col-lg-1 hidden-md-down"></div>
    				<div class="col-lg-11 col-xs-12 pull-right" style="margin:20px 0 50px 0;">
    					<div class="col-xs-1">
    						<i class="fa fa-play play-btn" aria-hidden="true" id="startGraphAnimation"></i>
    						<i class="fa fa-pause pause-btn" aria-hidden="true" id="pauseGraphAnimation" style="display: none;"></i>
    					<div class="col-xs-10 col-sm-11 slider">
    						<div id="year-slider"></div>
    			<div class="row">
    //////////////////////economy dashboard.js//////////////////////////
    $(function() {
    	var yearCounter = 0;
    	var countryColor = {"Argentina" : "#6dbceb", "Brazil" : "#c8b631", "Canada" : "#369ead", "China" : "#a2d1cf", "Germany" : "#f79647", "India" : "#7f6084", "Japan" : "#4f81bc",
    											"Malawi" : "#369ead", "Nigeria" : "#86b402", "South Korea" : "#52514e", "United Kingdom" : "#a064a1", "United States" : "#c24642", "Zimbabwe" : "#c24642"};
    	var countryCode = {"India":"IN","China":"CN","United States":"US"};
    	var yearSlider = document.getElementById('year-slider');
    	var orderedDataPoints = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getDataPoint(yearArr[0])));
    	var GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart;
    	var merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart;
    //On click of the play button the bubble chart animation starts. Following callback function performs 6 transition between the actual dataPoints of the year(example from 1961 to 1962) to produce the animation effect
    	var animationIteration = 0;
    	var pauseAnimation = true;
    	var numberOfTransitions = 5;
    	$('#startGraphAnimation').click(function () {
    		var dynamicDataPoints = [];
    		if (yearCounter >= yearArr.length) {
    			yearCounter = 0;
    			GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart = createGDPPerCapitaChart(getDataPoint(yearArr[yearCounter]));
    		var nextDataPoints = getDataPoint(yearArr[yearCounter]);
    		pauseAnimation = false;
    		var animationInterval = setInterval(function(){
    			if (animationIteration === 6) {
    				orderedDataPoints = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dynamicDataPoints));
    				animationIteration = 0;
    				nextDataPoints = getDataPoint(yearArr[yearCounter]);
    				if (yearCounter >= yearArr.length) {
    					orderedDataPoints = getDataPoint(yearArr[0]);
    					pauseAnimation = true;
    				if (pauseAnimation === true) {
    					if (yearCounter !== yearArr.length - 1) {
    				dynamicDataPoints = [];
    					for (var j = 0; j < nextDataPoints.length; j++) {
    						if (nextDataPoints[j].name !== orderedDataPoints[j].name) {
    							orderedDataPoints.splice( j, 0, { x: 0.01, y : 0, z : 0, name: nextDataPoints[j].name } );
    						if (nextDataPoints[j].name === "India" || nextDataPoints[j].name === "China" || nextDataPoints[j].name === "United States") {
    								x: orderedDataPoints[j].x + (nextDataPoints[j].x - orderedDataPoints[j].x) * animationIteration / numberOfTransitions,
    								y: orderedDataPoints[j].y + (nextDataPoints[j].y - orderedDataPoints[j].y) * animationIteration / numberOfTransitions,
    								z: nextDataPoints[j].z,
    								name: nextDataPoints[j].name,
    								color: countryColor[nextDataPoints[j].name],
    								cursor: "pointer",
    								indexLabel: countryCode[nextDataPoints[j].name],
    								indexLabelFontColor: "#fbf3de"
    						} else {
    								x: orderedDataPoints[j].x + (nextDataPoints[j].x - orderedDataPoints[j].x) * animationIteration / numberOfTransitions,
    								y: orderedDataPoints[j].y + (nextDataPoints[j].y - orderedDataPoints[j].y) * animationIteration / numberOfTransitions,
    								z: nextDataPoints[j].z,
    								name: nextDataPoints[j].name,
    								color: countryColor[nextDataPoints[j].name],
    								cursor: "pointer"
    					GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart.options.data[0].dataPoints = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dynamicDataPoints));
    					GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart.options.subtitles[0].text = yearArr[yearCounter];
    			}, 35);
    //pause the bubble chart animation and display the play button
    	$('#pauseGraphAnimation').click(function () {
    //Get the dataPoints for all the countries for the specific year
    	function getDataPoint(year) {
    		var dataPoints=[];
    			$.each(economyData,function (countryName,categoryData) {
    				if (typeof(categoryData["GDPPerCapita"][year]) !== "undefined" && typeof(categoryData["lifeExpectancy"][year]) !== "undefined" && typeof(categoryData["population"][year]) !== "undefined") {
    					if (countryName === "India" || countryName === "China" || countryName === "United States") {
    						dataPoints.push({x: categoryData["GDPPerCapita"][year], y: categoryData["lifeExpectancy"][year], z: categoryData["population"][year], name: countryName, color: countryColor[countryName], cursor: "pointer",
    														 indexLabel: countryCode[countryName], indexLabelFontColor:"#fbf3de"});
    					} else {
    						dataPoints.push({x: categoryData["GDPPerCapita"][year], y: categoryData["lifeExpectancy"][year], z: categoryData["population"][year], name: countryName, color: countryColor[countryName], cursor: "pointer"});
    		return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(dataPoints));
    //GDP per capita vs Life expectancy bubble chart
    	function createGDPPerCapitaChart(dataPoints) {
    		var GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart = new CanvasJS.Chart("GDP-per-capita-bubble-chart",
    				backgroundColor: "transparent",
    				axisX: {
    					labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    					lineThickness: 1,
    					logarithmic: true,
    					minimum: 10,
    					maximum: 70000,
    					tickLength: 10,
    					tickThickness: 1,
    					title: "Testing For MauzoCRM",
    					titleFontColor: "#065f66",
    					valueFormatString: "$#,###"
    				axisY: {
    					gridThickness: 1,
    					labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    					lineThickness: 1,
    					minimum: 30,
    					maximum: 100,
    					tickThickness: 1,
    					tickLength: 10,
    					title: "pebble softwares",
    					titleFontColor: "#065f66",
    					valueFormatString: "#,### yrs"
    				toolTip: {
    					contentFormatter: function(e) {
    						var content = "";
    						for (var i = 0; i < e.entries.length; i++) {
    							content += "<strong>" + e.entries[i].dataPoint.name + "</strong> <br/> GDP per capita: US $" + CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.entries[i].dataPoint.x,"#,###.##") + " <br/> Life Expectancy: " +
    							CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.entries[i].dataPoint.y,"#,###.##") + " yrs<br/> Population: "+formatTooltipNumber(e.entries[i].dataPoint.z);
    						return content;
    				data: [
    						indexLabelPlacement: "outside",
    						legendMarkerType: "circle",
    						name: "Click a Bubble to see Agent Wise Progression",
    						showInLegend: true,
    						type: "bubble",
    						click: showChartForSelectedCountry,
    						dataPoints: dataPoints
    				subtitles: [
    					dockInsidePlotArea: true,
    					fontColor: "rgba(50,30,150,0.1)",
    					fontSize: 126,
    					text: yearArr[yearCounter],
    					verticalAlign: "center"
    		return GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart;
    //On click of the bubble in the bubble chart it scrolls down to the chart of population, working population, and Merchandise import and export chart 
    	function showChartForSelectedCountry(e) {
    		$('div #selected-country').each(function(){
    			$(this).html(' - '+e.dataPoint.name);
    		merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart = createMerchandiseImportsExportsChart(e.dataPoint.name);
    		$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#population-charts").offset().top},400);
    //Set the subtitle of the bubble chart to display the year during the animation of the chart
    	function setBubbleChartSubtitlesFontSize() {
    		if ($('#GDP-per-capita-bubble-chart').height() === 400) {
    			GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart.options.subtitles[0].fontSize = 113;
    		if ($('#GDP-per-capita-bubble-chart').height() === 300) {
    			GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart.options.subtitles[0].fontSize = 60;
    //Initiate the slider
    	function createSlider(startingYear) {
    		noUiSlider.create(yearSlider, {
    			start: startingYear,
    			connect: "lower",
    			step: 1,
    			animate: false,
    			range: {
    				'min': yearArr[0],
    				'max': yearArr[yearArr.length-1]
    			pips: {
    				mode: 'values',
    				stepped: true,
    				values: getYearArrForSlider(),
    				density: 2
    //Get the number of jumps to be taken for the year array as per the width of the slider  
    	function getYearJump(){
    		var yearJumps = 0;
    		if($(window).outerWidth() > 1800){
    			yearJumps = 0;
    		if($(window).outerWidth() < 1800 && $(window).outerWidth() > 1000){
    			yearJumps = 1;
    		if($(window).outerWidth() < 1000 && $(window).outerWidth() > 600){
    			yearJumps = 2;
    		if($(window).outerWidth() < 600 && $(window).outerWidth() > 450){
    			yearJumps = 3;
    		if($(window).outerWidth() < 450 && $(window).outerWidth() > 400){
    			yearJumps = 4;
    		if($(window).outerWidth() < 400 && $(window).outerWidth() > 350){
    			yearJumps = 5;
    			yearJumps = 6;
    		return yearJumps;
    //Get the year array to be displayed on the slider scale
    	function getYearArrForSlider() {
    		var modifiedYearArr = [];
    		for (var i = 0; i < yearArr.length; i++) {
    			i = i + getYearJump();
    		return modifiedYearArr;
    //Bind click event on year slider
    	function bindClickEventToSliderScale() {
    	$(".noUi-value").click( function() {
    			range: {
    				'min': yearArr[0],
    				'max': yearArr[yearArr.length-1]
    			animate: true
    			range: {
    				'min': yearArr[0],
    				'max': yearArr[yearArr.length-1]
    			animate: false
    //Bind slider update event 				
    	function bindYearSliderUpdateEvent() {
    		yearSlider.noUiSlider.on('update', function (values, handle) {
    			$(".noUi-value").each( function () {
    				if (parseInt($(this).html()) === parseInt(values[handle])) {
    				} else {
    			yearCounter = yearArr.indexOf(parseInt(values[handle]));
    			if (pauseAnimation === true) {
    				orderedDataPoints = getDataPoint(parseInt(values[handle]));
    				GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart = createGDPPerCapitaChart(getDataPoint(parseInt(values[handle])));
    //Population chart
    	function createPopulationChart(selectedCountry) {
    		var populationDataPoints = [];
    		$.each(economyData[selectedCountry]["population"], function (year, population) {
    			populationDataPoints.push({x: parseInt(year), y: population});
    		var populationAreaChart = new CanvasJS.Chart("population-line-chart",
    			animationEnabled: true,
    			backgroundColor: "transparent",
    			axisX: {
    				labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    				lineThickness: 1,
    				tickThickness: 1,
    				valueFormatString: "####",
    				viewportMinimum: yearArr[0],
    				viewportMaximum: yearArr[yearArr.length-1],
    			axisY: {
    				gridThickness: 1,
    				includeZero: false,
    				labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    				lineThickness: 1,
    				labelFormatter: addSymbols,
    				tickThickness: 1,
    				title: "Population",
    				titleFontColor: "#065f66"
    			toolTip: {
    				content: populationChartTooltipContent
    			data: [
    				markerSize: 0,
    				name: "Population",				
    				type: "splineArea",
    				xValueFormatString: "####",
    				dataPoints: populationDataPoints
    // working population chart
    	function createWorkingPopulationChart(selectedCountry) {
    		var workingPopulationDataPoints = [];
    		$.each(economyData[selectedCountry]["workingPopulation"], function (year, population) {
    			workingPopulationDataPoints.push({x: parseInt(year), y: population});
    		var workingPopulationAreaChart = new CanvasJS.Chart("working-population-line-chart",
    			animationEnabled: true,
    			backgroundColor: "transparent",
    			axisX: {
    				labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    				lineThickness: 1,
    				tickThickness: 1,
    				valueFormatString: "####",
    				viewportMinimum: yearArr[0],
    				viewportMaximum: yearArr[yearArr.length-1],
    			axisY: {
    				gridThickness: 1,
    				includeZero: false,
    				labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    				lineThickness: 1,
    				suffix: "%",
    				tickThickness: 1,
    				title: "Working Age Population",
    				titleFontColor: "#065f66"
    			legend: {
    				verticalAlign: "top"
    			toolTip: {
    				content: "<strong>{x}</strong> <br/> {name}: {y}"
    			data: [
    				color: "#c24642",
    				markerSize: 0,
    				name: "Working Age Population",
    				type: "splineArea",
    				xValueFormatString: "####",
    				yValueFormatString: "##.##'%'",
    				dataPoints: workingPopulationDataPoints
    //Merchandise imports and exports chart
    	function createMerchandiseImportsExportsChart(selectedCountry) {
    		var merchandiseImportsDataPoints = [];
    		var merchandiseExportsDataPoints = [];
    		$.each(economyData[selectedCountry]["merchandiseImports"], function (year, population) {
    			merchandiseImportsDataPoints.push({x: parseInt(year), y: population});
    		$.each(economyData[selectedCountry]["merchandiseExports"], function (year, population) {
    			merchandiseExportsDataPoints.push({x: parseInt(year), y: population});
    		var merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart = new CanvasJS.Chart("merchandise-imports-exports-column-chart",
    			animationEnabled: true,
    			backgroundColor: "transparent",
    			axisX: {
    				labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    				lineThickness: 1,
    				tickThickness: 1,
    				valueFormatString: "####",
    			axisY: {
    				gridThickness: 1,
    				includeZero: false,
    				labelFontWeight: 'lighter',
    				labelFormatter: addSymbols,
    				lineThickness: 1,
    				tickThickness: 1,
    				title: "Merchandise Imports & Exports",
    				titleFontColor: "#065f66",
    				titleFontSize: 30
    			legend: {
    				cursor: "pointer",
    				verticalAlign: "top",
    				itemclick: function (e) {
    					if (typeof (e.dataSeries.visible) === "undefined" || e.dataSeries.visible) {
    							e.dataSeries.visible = false;
    					} else {
    							e.dataSeries.visible = true;
    			toolTip: {
    				shared: true,				
    				contentFormatter: merchandiseImportsExportsChartTooltipContent
    			data: [
    				name: "Merchandise Imports",
    				showInLegend: true,
    				type: "column",
    				visible: true,				
    				dataPoints: merchandiseImportsDataPoints
    				name: "Merchandise Exports",
    				showInLegend: true,
    				type: "column",
    				visible: true,
    				dataPoints: merchandiseExportsDataPoints
    		return merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart;
    	function setMerchandiseImportsExportsColumnChartAxisYTitleFontSize() {
    		if ($('#merchandise-imports-exports-column-chart').height() === 500) {
    			merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart.options.axisY.titleFontSize = 30;
    		if ($('#merchandise-imports-exports-column-chart').height() === 400) {
    			merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart.options.axisY.titleFontSize = 25;
    		if ($('#merchandise-imports-exports-column-chart').height() === 300) {
    			merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart.options.axisY.titleFontSize = 16;
    	function addSymbols(e) {
    		var suffixes = ["", "K", "M", "B", "T"];
    		var order = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(e.value)) / Math.log(1000)), 0);
    		if (order > suffixes.length - 1)                	
    			order = suffixes.length - 1;
    		var suffix = suffixes[order];
    		if (e.chart.options.data[0].name === "Merchandise Imports") {
    			return "$" + CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.value / Math.pow(1000, order)) + suffix;
    		} else {
    			return CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.value / Math.pow(1000, order)) + suffix;
    	function setMerchandiseImportExportAxisYTitle(e) {
    		if (e.chart.options.data[0].visible === true ) {
    			if (e.chart.options.data[1].visible === false) {
    				e.chart.options.axisY.title = e.chart.options.data[0].name;
    			} else {
    				e.chart.options.axisY.title = 'Merchandise Imports & Exports';
    		} else {
    			if (e.chart.options.data[1].visible === false) {
    				e.chart.options.axisY.title = '';
    			} else {
    				e.chart.options.axisY.title = e.chart.options.data[1].name;
    	function populationChartTooltipContent(e) {
    		var content;
    		content = "<strong>" + e.entries[0].dataPoint.x + "</strong> <br/>" + e.chart.options.data[0].name + ': ' + formatTooltipNumber(e.entries[0].dataPoint.y);
    		return content;
    	function merchandiseImportsExportsChartTooltipContent(e) {
    		var content;
    		if (e.chart.options.data[0].visible === true) {
    			if (e.chart.options.data[1].visible === false) {
    				content = "<strong>" + e.entries[0].dataPoint.x + "</strong> <br/>" + "<span style= 'color:" + e.entries[0].dataSeries.color + "'> " +  "Merchandise Imports:</span> US $" + formatTooltipNumber(e.entries[0].dataPoint.y);
    			} else {
    				content = "<strong>" + e.entries[0].dataPoint.x + "</strong> <br/>" + "<span style= 'color:" + e.entries[0].dataSeries.color + "'> " +  "Merchandise Imports:</span> US $" + formatTooltipNumber(e.entries[0].dataPoint.y)
    				+ "<br/><span style= 'color:" + e.entries[1].dataSeries.color + "'> " + "Merchandise Exports:</span> US $"+ formatTooltipNumber(e.entries[1].dataPoint.y);
    		} else {
    			if (e.chart.options.data[1].visible === false) {
    				content = '';
    			} else {
    				content = "<strong>" + e.entries[0].dataPoint.x + "</strong>" + "<br/><span style= 'color:" + e.entries[1].dataSeries.color + "'> "+ "Merchandise Exports:</span> US $" + formatTooltipNumber(e.entries[1].dataPoint.y);
    		return content;
    	function formatTooltipNumber(number) {
    		var suffixes = ["", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion", "Trillion"];
    		var order = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.log(number) / Math.log(1000)), 0);
    		if (order > suffixes.length - 1)                	
    			order = suffixes.length - 1;
    		var suffix = suffixes[order];
    		return CanvasJS.formatNumber(number / Math.pow(1000, order)) + ' ' + suffix;
    	$(window).resize(function() {
    	(function init() {
    		GDPPerCapitaBubbleChart = createGDPPerCapitaChart(getDataPoint(yearArr[0]));
    		createPopulationChart("United States");
    		createWorkingPopulationChart("United States");
    		merchandiseImportsExportsColumnChart = createMerchandiseImportsExportsChart("United States");


    Please take a look at this Gallery Demo for an example on rendering chart with data from database. You can also download PHP Samples from our download page and try it locally.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    unless in this example bubble chart is a diffrent concept it does not contain datapoints like x and y axis so this will not work



    In gallery example, it accepts x and y-values from database and pass it to chart options as array_push($dataPoints, array("x"=> $row->x, "y"=> $row->y));. Changing it to accept z-values array_push($dataPoints, array("x"=> $row->x, "y"=> $row->y, "z"=> $row->z)); and changing type to “bubble” should work fine for you.

    If you are still facing issue, kindly create sample project reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us along with sample database over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can run it locally at our end, understand the scenario better and help you resolve.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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