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CanvasJS works fine even with Ionic apps. Please take a look at this GitHub repository, where CanvasJS Charts are used in Ionic App.

Kindly check if you are using official version of CanvasJS and not from NPM, as we don’t have official NPM package as of now. If you are using NPM version of CanvasJS I would suggest you to download it from our download page. After downloading, you can save CanvasJS file (canvasjs.min.js) in src folder of your project (‘src/assets/js’ or ‘src/lib’) and import the CanvasJS library to your app using import CanvasJS from 'canvasjs.min' (path may vary based on file location like ‘./src/assets/js/canvasjs.min’ or ‘./src/lib/canvasjs.min’). Or you can add it in your html file using script-tag. Please take a look at this ionic documentation on Adding 3rd Party Libraries.

Also please refer this tutorial on How to Install 3rd Party Libraries in Ionic 2 and step-by-step guide given in this github thread for more info.

Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS