Home Forums Feature Requests & Feedback Responsive Font Size – IndexLabelFontSize

Responsive Font Size – IndexLabelFontSize

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  • #20558

    Is there a way that font size can be change responsively when browser window is adjusted.
    Currently indexLabelFontSize is set to be 36;
    When chart changes in size, the font size stays the same.

    Please see the jsfiddle provided.



    Font size remains the same even after resize as you are setting indexLabelFontSize to 36. You can change indexLabelFontSize on resize of window and relate it to chart-container width and can have minimum and maximum limits on the same.

    Kindly take a look at the code-snippet below,

    $(window).resize(function() {
        for(var i = 0; i < chart.options.data.length; i++){
    	chart.options.data[i].indexLabelFontSize = Math.min(36, Math.max( 12, $("#chartContainer").width() / 10));  

    Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.

    responsive index label font size

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

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