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chart object inside an array cause render() problems

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  • #17260

    Good Day,

    I put the chart object inside an array

    chartArr = [chart1, chart2]
    fnction updateChart(graphId) {
     chartArr.forEach((d) => {
      if(d.id === graphId) {

    When I call the function of the first chart it does update the first chart correctly. but when I call the function of the second chart, it somehow copies the data on the first chart and it will look exactly alike.


    The chart have different canvases i already checked. If I update the first chart it will only update the first chart but the second or third or x number of charts, it just copies the data from chart 1



    Can you kindly create a jsfiddle reproducing the issue you are facing, so that we can understand the issue better and help you out.

    Suyash Singh
    Team CanvasJS

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