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I am a novice user and have put up the below code with help from some forums. I am able to get json data from a php page and display the same on a chart using document ready function. However, now i am pulling json data from another php page and trying to redraw it on the same chart on a button click event. I am new to web programming and have been unsuccessful in tracing where I am going wrong. Could you please review the code and suggest. I have registered just now and in haste didnt find the new post option so appended below this post which is somewhat relevant.

//When page is loaded the below function loads the chart with a default product rating

$(document).ready(function () {

$.getJSON(“ratingsdata.php”, function (result) {

var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart(“chartContainer”, {
title: {
text: “Product Ratings”

animationEnabled: true,

data: [

dataPoints: result


//Function to render the chart on button click

var updateChart = function () {

$.getJSON(“selected_product.php”, function (result) {

data: [

dataPoints: result



//Function for button click event

document.getElementById(“viewratings”).onclick = function(){
updateChart(); }

